Aryan Satpathy

I completed my Bachelors from Indian Institute Of Technology, Kharagpur, in Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering. In my undergrad years, I've had the opportunity to work with Prof Amir Khajepour, Prof Duc Pham and Prof Somesh Kumar.

Currently I am working on pointcloud resampling with Prof. Saumik Bhattacharya, dynamic multi-body slam with Prof. KM Krishna, and neural physics solver with Prof. Deepak Pathak. More details about my previous experience can be found below.

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My research interests lie in the field of computer vision (tracking, re-identification, 3D), mobile robotics (planning, SLAM), generative vision, adversarial attacks and optimization. Recently, I've been inspired by Alpha Geometry and scientific reasoning with AI. For more details, take a look at some of the projects I've worked on.


University Of Waterloo
University Of Waterloo
Research Intern, Guide: Prof Amir Khajepour
May - July, 2023

Worked on perception for lidar and camera for autonomous driving of robot in indoor and outdoor scenarios. Worked on multi-camera multi-object tracking and sensor fusion.

University Of Birmingham
University Of Birmingham
Research Intern, Guide: Prof Duc Pham
April, 2022 - February, 2023

Worked on Bees Algorithm and its application in combinatorial optimization(GVRP). Presented our work in BAA 2022.

Indian Institute Of Technology, Kharagpur
Indian Institute Of Technology(IIT), Kharagpur
Bachelors in Electronics and Communication Eng.
Micro Specialization in Artificial Intelligence
December, 2020 - May 2024

Bachelors' Thesis: MAT-RL (Advisor: Prof Somesh Kumar)


An Embarassingly Simple Defense Against Backdoor Attacks On SSL
Aryan Satpathy, Dhruva Rajwade, Nilaksh
Arxiv Preprint
paper / code

Defense against backdoor attacks targetting SSL.

Bees Algorithm for Green Vehicle Routing Problem
Aryan Satpathy, Millon Madhur Das, Natalia Hartono, Duc Pham
BAA, 2022
book coming soon / code

Bees Algorithm for Green Vehicle Routing Problem with multiprocessing support.


Indoor Sensor Node Perception
code / documentation

Multi-modal multi-object detection and tracking with overhead camera and LiDAR sensors.

Parallel Robot Control
Self Project

Implemented 6-DOF Stewart Platform and SeeSaw Environment(1-DOF approximation of Stewart Platform), in the IsaacGym framework.

Drone Perception
IMAV Indoor Challenge, 2023

Perception stack with Lane Tracking and QR landing abilities for drones in indoor setting (without GPS reliance).

Shader Sandbox
code / video

Shader implementation of Raytracing, Fog and other effects.

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